Identity theft in NET

More and more cases of hackers who launch programs on the Internet to obtain bank details of the Portuguese. Portugal is in sixth place among the European countries most vulnerable to theft of personal data.
According to data from Panda Software - a company specializing in the worldwide antivirus - only in June this year and only been detected in Portugal in 1438 such infections. Leading the table is Spain, with 2600 infections this month.
The computer security experts agree that identity theft tends to grow in times of economic crisis. Since the beginning of the year, the number of victims of programs designed to obtain personal information and bank details has increased 600%. For Luis Corrons, technical director of PandaLabs, in addition to the economic crisis, we must take into account "the big business of selling private information on the black market, as numbers of credit cards, Paypal accounts or Ebay. Data from a stolen credit card are sold on the black market for only three euros.
The hackers are also being increasingly imaginative in how to obtain the data. In Spain, the pirates put him to run a fraudulent email on behalf of the Treasury, which offered a refund of taxes in exchange for personal information. In Portugal, the CGD is the target of several attacks that deceive their clients to give the number of credit card.

DANGEROUS SOCIAL NETWORKSIn the past, attempts to steal confidential data limited - if the e-mail or computer viruses that are transmitted only by mail. Now other methods are being used.
Twitter or Facebook - social networking on-line very popular among the young, but not only - are full of fake messages that try to 'preach creeping' taking the user to fill all their bank details.
Neither the non-governmental organizations, which collect donations via the Internet, to escape attacks. Sending SMS to mobile phone customers to request the data as if it were the bank, also is becoming a trap increasingly common in the country Normally, only the victims realize they were misled when it is too late .

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